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Professionals – Retention/Compensation/Fees

The ABCs of ABCs, Business Bankruptcy, & Corporate Restructuring/Insolvency Who are you? Maybe your company needs to file chapter 11. Or one of your customers recently filed. Or maybe a competitor is in (or is rumored to be close to filing) chapter 11. Maybe you’re thinking about getting into the corporate restructuring industry yourself. Regardless of your answer, if what you’re after is a tour of the turnaround, restructuring, and insolvency industry (the “Industry”), you came to the right place. A Little History About Law & Economics The Industry began […]

A Series on the ABCs of ABCs, Business Bankruptcy & Corporate Restructuring/Insolvency Since a judge presides over a chapter 11 proceeding, one might assume that a chapter 11 case is like any other commercial litigation matter, with one party on each side of the case: a plaintiff and a defendant. One would be wrong (Felix Unger taught us what happens when we “ass-u-me”). In this installment of our series on business bankruptcy, restructuring and insolvency, we look at debtors, chapter 11 trustees, types of creditors and other parties involved in […]

The economy, stupid. -James Carville The corporate restructuring profession has become, much like the broader economy, increasingly a world of few “haves” and many “have nots.” This is not by accident, and it is not going away. Those who see and accept the industry for what it is—and pivot accordingly—will continue to be winners. Those who possess a limited repertoire of moves and simply hope for economic downturns will continue to fight for limited market share. How We Got Here Chapter 11 Was Once New Technology The Bankruptcy Code is […]
