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2020 Saw Increased Healthcare Provider Bankruptcies. What Should Companies & Restructuring Professionals Know Moving Forward? Healthcare providers face many pressures, including costs associated with regulatory compliance and necessary technological and infrastructure investments. Congress’ repeated attempts to reform healthcare legislation have long created uncertainties for the healthcare industry. A PwC report predicts that throughout 2021, healthcare will be among retail, oil and gas and hospitality as the sectors most likely to face restructurings. The COVID-19 pandemic has led to increased healthcare bankruptcy activity due to cancellation of elective procedures and imbalances […]

What Distressed Asset Investors Can Glean from Low Interest Rates, Rising Asset Prices and Insolvency on the Horizon DailyDAC readers know that we try to confine ourselves to publishing “evergreen” thought leadership—general education for business owners and investors about business bankruptcy, its alternatives, and related subjects. There isn’t a stark line between the news of the day about the Markets and the Economy, on the one hand, and the world that is our stock and trade. We have, in the past few weeks, had a number of conversations with some […]

What Happens When Your Consignee Becomes Distressed and What You Can Do I was speaking with a client yesterday about consignment arrangements. What we discussed should be of interest to any company that sells goods using a consignment arrangement, and I thought I would share. What is a Consignment Arrangement? In a consignment arrangement, the consignor, as owner of the goods, delivers them to a consignee.  The consignee, in turn, will try to sell those goods to customers. Be Careful Not to Mischaracterize the Proceeds You Expect from a Consignment […]

When is Your Company’s Attorney-Client Communication No Longer a Secret?   Imagine if every secret and strategy that you had ever shared with your attorney were laid open for the world to see. A trustee in a business bankruptcy case may well have the power to review, publish, and wield all of the debtor’s attorney-client communication, including those communications that the debtor’s principals reasonably believed were permanently encased in a fortress of secrecy. The trustee can thus gain major ammunition for claims against insiders, business partners, vendors, attorneys, accountants, advisors, […]

Application of Section 503(b)(1)(A) and 503(b)(9) in the Sears Chapter 11 Filing Precedent setting rulings in the Sears chapter 11 case could radically alter how vendors support companies who file for bankruptcy in the future. Historically the presumption and practice in the vast majority of bankruptcy cases has been that vendors receive priority status for goods delivered beginning not only 20 days prior to the filing, but also continuing after the filing. Bankruptcy code Section 503(b)(9) applies to goods delivered prior to the petition, and Section 503(b)(1)(A) applies afterwards. Because […]

The ABCs of ABCs, Business Bankruptcy, & Corporate Restructuring/Insolvency Who are you? Maybe your company needs to file chapter 11. Or one of your customers recently filed. Or maybe a competitor is in (or is rumored to be close to filing) chapter 11. Maybe you’re thinking about getting into the corporate restructuring industry yourself. Regardless of your answer, if what you’re after is a tour of the turnaround, restructuring, and insolvency industry (the “Industry”), you came to the right place. A Little History About Law & Economics The Industry began […]

What Can An Ancient Greek Playwright Tell Us About Bankruptcy? Some of the best lessons on fraud and deceit in bankruptcy were written around 2,500 years ago. Yes, all the way back in 423 B.C., the Greek playwright Aristophanes offered his thoughts for posterity in his comic play “The Clouds,” which tells the story of Strepsiades, a man unable to even sleep because of the huge debts his son has incurred. The play chronicles his various attempts to learn the art of “Unjust” argument from Socrates and the sophists, so […]

A Series on the ABCs of ABCs, Business Bankruptcy & Corporate Restructuring/Insolvency Greetings, Dear Reader: It seems you’re interested in learning how to deal with corporate distress, and we’re glad you’re here. But let’s first make sure you got on the right plane. Maybe you… Are a C-suite executive of a business that’s considering buying a failing competitor on the cheap Manage a private equity or hedge fund Are a junior associate in the restructuring or special situations group of a law, investment banking, or accounting firm Are a credit […]

A written tour of business bankruptcy and its alternatives In case you are hopping on board the bus in the middle of our tour, you may want to know that this installment looks at some of the more mundane stuff that happens after a Chapter 11 case is filed but before the end of the case.  We will discuss that in later installments. Before we let you out of the bus to look around at this stop, let’s review what we’ve already seen (and what you may want to go […]

A written tour of business bankruptcy and its alternatives Subsequent installments in this series will cover the concepts touched upon here in more detail.  We think it prudent, if not necessary, to at least throw some basic chapter 11 concepts on the table now, however, since they are so fundamental to any Chapter 11 case- regardless of which side of the table you sit on. The Automatic Stay Commencing a bankruptcy case triggers an “automatic stay,” which, with certain exceptions (carved out by §362(b)), operates as an injunction against actions […]
