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Chapter 15 bankruptcy is a tool for foreign companies with assets in the United States to get assistance from a U.S. bankruptcy court.

QUESTION: Scott T,  emailed, asking, “I have a client who owns a few income-producing properties, and she thinks she may not be able to make her next mortgage payments to her lender. What should I tell her to expect?” ANSWER: Once a default on a commercial loan is looming or occurs, a proactive mortgage lender should be expected to review several factors surrounding property management. If a third-party manager is involved, the lender will want to determine whether any lien rights arise in favor of this property manager, including in […]

Why Sell a Bankruptcy Claim? Imagine this: One of your customers sends you a notice stating it has filed for chapter 7 or chapter 11 bankruptcy protection rather than the payment for goods or services provided that you were expecting. In technical terms, you now have a “claim” against the “debtor,” but you aren’t sure you want to deal with the bankruptcy process and delay only to recover part of what you are owed. When a bankruptcy claims purchaser offers to purchase your bankruptcy claim from you for cash, you […]

When a commercial real estate tenant files a chapter 11 bankruptcy case, the landlord faces unfamiliar issues. Although each case is unique, this article provides a basic overview of the issues commercial landlords could run into.

These 3 preference action defenses options involve a detailed analysis of historical business interactions and utilization of records to support your transactions.

On July 20, 2015, the Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Company, made history by filing what we in the restructuring industry like to call “Chapter 22 Bankruptcy.” Read more to see how this case unfolded and what it means for struggling grocers and retail stores.

The borrower is an LLC managed by a greedy principal member. The borrower slowly pays the secured creditor and unsecured creditors over years and its business becomes insolvent. The insolvent LLC makes cash distributions to its members, but not to the secured creditors. Is there a law against this sort of behavior?

A creditor may seek appointment of a chapter 11 trustee in replacement of the debtor in possession, but there are special considerations to make first.

Editor’s Note: this is part of our irregular series in which we answer readers’ questions. If you have a question, submit it to [email protected] and we will try to answer it. Question Robin T. wrote in asking, I own a small retail chain that has been struggling. I hired a lawyer to negotiate with my creditors, and she told me I should speak with my accountant about the possible tax consequences of getting my creditors to forgive some of the company’s debt. The IRS can’t be that cruel, can it? Answer. Indeed […]

Considerations for Companies in a Cash Crisis A liquidity crisis is a severe financial situation in which a company does not have enough cash or cash-convertible assets, which can lead to defaults and bankruptcy. Managing cash is critical when working to preserve or maintain solvency in order to maximize opportunities for a successful turnaround or corporate restructuring. Near-Death Liquidity Is Like a Melting Ice Cube Insufficient liquidity shrinks the range of options for a financially distressed business. The metaphor of a melting ice cube is often used to illustrate this […]
