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PUBLIC NOTICE OF ABC SALE: Civetta Therapeutics, LLC

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Notice of Assignee Sale: Intellectual Property of Civetta Therapeutics, LLC

Civetta Therapeutics, a pioneering bio-tech research firm focused on exploiting the therapeutic potential of β-propeller proteins.  Civetta ceased business operations and entered into an Assignment for the Benefit of Creditors on December 22, 2023. The Assignee is now soliciting bids for the acquisition of Civetta Therapeutics’ extensive portfolio of intellectual property, a treasure trove of groundbreaking research and innovation in the field of biotechnology.

About Civetta Therapeutics:

Civetta Therapeutics established itself as a frontrunner in the biotechnology sector with its revolutionary approach to targeting β-propeller proteins—a structural motif in proteins offering over 600 target opportunities across various diseases. The company’s expertise in drugging B-propeller proteins  paved new avenues for addressing complex biological challenges, particularly in oncology, neurodegeneration, inflammation, and monogenic diseases.

Civetta Therapeutics combined advanced computational methods with an exhaustive mapping of β-propeller interactions to develop a novel class of therapies for a wide-range of diseases. Their Cambridge, MA-based team of experts and state-of-the-art facilities, underscoring its commitment to transforming scientific insights into viable therapeutic solutions.


The available intellectual property portfolio encompasses research by Civetta in a niche area of biotechnology, offering a unique opportunity for entities interested in this field to acquire a comprehensive portfolio of intellectual property with vast therapeutic and commercial potential. The Assets represent a significant leap in the approach to previously intractable target biology, offering a platform with the potential to impact a broad spectrum of diseases.

Highlights of this portfolio features the following:

  • A chemically enabled oncology program (DNA damage field) in late hit-to-lead stage
  • Validated small molecule hits for a second oncology program (DNA damage field)
  • Biochemical, biophysical, structural, and cellular tools for advancing these programs as well a blueprint for assay development for B-propellers in general -a platform for B-propeller drug discovery

Submission of Bids:

All interested parties wishing to make competitive offers for the Assets must submit a qualified bid to the Assignee for the Benefit of Creditors no later than April 30, 2024, at 5:00 PM Central Time.

Upon execution of confidentiality and non-disclosure agreement, interested parties will be granted access to a virtual data room to review the available diligence materials.

To ensure a transparent and fair bidding process, all interested bidders must adhere to the submission guidelines and deadlines. Further details regarding the processes and procedures for conducting diligence and submitting bids, including the necessary documentation and bid format, will be provided upon request.

Contact Information:

All inquiries should be directed to representatives of the Assignee: William G. Brandt at (312) 263-4141 or [email protected], with a copy to Matthew Sorenson at [email protected].

10 South LaSalle Street, Suite 3300 • Chicago, Illinois 60603 • Telephone: 312.263.4141 • Fax: 312.263.1180 • www.DSIConsulting.com

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