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Search Results for: "Creditor"

AUCTION OF ASSETS OF Confidential Company Offer Deadline. July 29, 2022 at 5:00 pm Pacific Time. NDA Deadline. July 15, 2022 Background. The Confidential Company is a professional services company which has been engaged in the business of facilitating mobile installations of accessory parts for jeeps and other 4×4 types of vehicles as well as facilitated in-home installations of bathtub cut outs (approx. 50 orders per week). The Company is the subject of an assignment for the benefit of creditors. Process Overview. The prospective Assignee will provide a form asset purchase agreement (“APA”) to interested parties who have executed a non-disclosure Agreement (“NDA”) by the NDA Deadline. Letters of Intent in the form of a redline to the APA (containing the additional information as may be required by the prospective Assignee) must be received no later than the Bid Deadline. The winning bidder will be selected and notified by the […]

A Primer on the Bankruptcy Claims Marketplace Upon the filing of a bankruptcy petition by a debtor in a U.S. chapter 11 proceeding, any attempts to collect debt by a creditor are halted. As a result, creditors face the daunting prospects of either waiting out the debtor’s bankruptcy case—not knowing when, how much, or even if they will ultimately recover on their claims—or engaging in what could be a drawn out and expensive dispute with the debtors to protect their right and enforce their claims. Believe It…or Not…There is an […]

AUCTION OF ASSETS OF CONFIDENTIAL COMPANY 1. Offer Deadline. July 8, 2022 at 5:00 pm Pacific Time. 2. NDA Deadline. June 24, 2022 3. Background. The Confidential Company’s Learning Methodology puts the learner first and is based on proven research and learning science that blends interactive and gamified micro-courses designed to power up soft skill development. This learner-led approach focuses on discovery, knowledge transfer, reinforcement of knowledge, and application that can be personalized, is scalable, and focuses on the learning experiences as opposed to learning content. Using the proven 70-20-10 blended learning L&D rule, the Company designs learning journeys that incorporate on-the-job experiences, community collaboration and gamified courses. The company has four categories of Learning Journeys: Soft-skills Training Career Readiness Expert Industry Courses (such as Design Thinking, Consumer Spending Behavior, Storytelling, & Broadcasting, etc.) Custom Learning Journeys The company is the subject of an assignment for the benefit of creditors. […]

A Series on the ABCs of ABCs, when it comes to claims there’s a plethora of them. From secured, to unsecured, to bankruptcy, and trade. Read all the basics in this installment of Dealing with Corporate Distress. This Installment expands on the complexity of claims and claim priority in bankruptcy.

“A term sometimes included in workout agreements between lenders and borrowers providing that, in the event of the borrower’s bankruptcy, the borrower waives the benefits of the automatic stay or consents to relief from the stay. The validity of such provisions has been subject to much dispute, with some courts finding them unenforceable per se, others finding them enforceable as a matter of good public policy (encouraging lenders to forbear or otherwise negotiate settlements with borrowers in default, rather than pushing defaulted borrowers precipitously into bankruptcy), and a third camp […]

DailyDAC’s Distressed Deal Data™ exists to provide subscribers with intelligence regarding “urgent” and “special” situations that should be of interest to them. Such situations include: Companies that have taken (or failed to take) some action that is a forward indicator of potential distress, whether now or in the near future secured lenders exercising their rights against their collateral after borrower default Government authorities seizing business property Companies whose owners are experiencing some sort of problem unrelated to the company but which, nonetheless, is requiring a quick exit Companies that need […]

Distressed Deal Data™ is a curation of current, actionable deal flow intelligence for trustees, debtors-in-possession, assignees, receivers, foreclosing creditors under Article 9, investment bankers and broker and other trusted advisors looking for exposure to serious potential purchasers, lenders and investors. The Distressed Deal Data™ (DDD) is available in two ways: 1. Online Database. Our database is updated daily with new opportunities found through our various research channels. You can find deals the fastest by searching out database on a daily basis. Filter all deals by specific Industries, Sale Types, or […]

The term “priority” refers to the order in which applicable law demands that the claims against a debtor must be paid. Financially distressed parties commonly do not have enough money to pay all their creditors (that is, the holders of claims against them) in full. The law provides in such situations that certain types of claims must be paid in full before other types of claims can be paid at all. The term “priority” is used to describe this, with a claim of “senior” priority being entitled to 100% payment […]

A curious mystery unraveled. Learn about the significant aspects of an Assignment for the Benefit of creditors, and why knowing the Assignee is important.

NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE BY ORDER OF THE ASSIGNEE FOR THE BENEFIT OF CREDITORS OF DABECCA NATURAL FOODS, INC. 700 W 107th St. CHICAGO, IL 60628 SALE OF ASSETS: Notice is hereby given that on May 25, 2022 at 2:00 pm, CDT (the “Date of Sale”), in the offices of Rally Capital Advisors, 350 N LaSalle St., Suite 1100, Chicago, IL, Howard B. Samuels, not individually, but solely as Assignee for the Benefit of Creditors (the “Assignee” or “Seller”) of DaBecca Natural Foods, Inc. (“DaBecca Natural Foods, Inc.”) shall hold a public auction (“Auction”) in accordance Illinois law and other applicable laws to offer for sale substantially all assets of DaBecca Natural Foods, Inc. (collectively the “Sale Assets”) including all of Assignee’s right, title and interest in and to all of its assets whether tangible or intangible, real or personal or mixed, owned or leased (including indirect and other forms […]

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