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Public Notices

DailyDAC’s Premium Public Notice Service helps market asset sales on behalf of fiduciaries (e.g., Chapter 11 debtors-in-possession and committees, trustees, receivers, assignees), secured lenders selling collateral under UCC Article 9, and auctioneers to a very large and self-selected group of potential bidders and their advisors. The Service also assists with noticing other events, like claims bar dates, in bankruptcy cases.

PUBLIC NOTICE OF UCC SALE: Toy Overlord Inc. d/b/a Megalopolis

NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE OF CERTAIN ASSETS OF TOY OVERLORD INC. d/b/a MEGALOPOLIS PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that on August 25, 2021, at 01:00 p.m. prevailing Pacific time, bocm3-Megalopolis-Senior Debt, LLC (“Lender”) will conduct a virtual public sale and disposition (the “Sale”) of the assets owed by Toy Overlord, Inc. d/b/a Megalopolis (“Megalopolis”), in accordance with the provisions of Utah Code Annotated § 70A-9a-610, et. seq., or other applicable Uniform Commercial Code. The Sale will take place online via Zoom and in person at the offices of Brian Testo Associates, LLC, 4035 East Thousand Oaks Blvd. Suite 105, Westlake Village, CA 91362. Pre-qualified bidders may participate in the Sale online or in person. Description of assets to be sold: The assets to be sold consist of certain of the tangible and intangible assets used in the business of Megalopolis (“Assets”) as more fully described below: Accounts. All accounts, accounts receivable, credit […]


NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE OF CERTAIN ASSETS OF PAUL EVANS LLC PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that on August 25, 2021, at 11:00 a.m. prevailing Pacific time, bocm3-Paul Evans-Senior Debt, LLC (“Lender”) will conduct a virtual public sale and disposition (the “Sale”) of the assets owed by Paul Evans LLC (“Paul Evans”) in accordance with the provisions of New York Code Annotated § 9-610, et. seq., or other applicable Uniform Commercial Code. The Sale will take place online via Zoom and in person at the offices of Brian Testo Associates, LLC, 4035 East Thousand Oaks Blvd. Suite 105, Westlake Village, CA 91362. Pre-qualified bidders may participate in the Sale online or in person. Description of assets to be sold: The assets to be sold consist of certain of the tangible and intangible assets used in the business of Paul Evans (“Assets”) as more fully described below: Accounts. All accounts, accounts receivable, credit […]


NOTICE OF ARTICLE 9 SALE RE MiCORP CUSTOM AUTO & TRUCK, LLC – AUGUST 20th BID DEADLINE 1. Public Sale. The Secured Creditors, through the Agent (as each is defined below) will sell the Debtor’s (as defined below) right, title and interest in the Assets (as defined below) to the highest qualified bidder(s) in public (the “Public Sale”) as follows: 2. Secured Creditors. The “Secured Creditors” are Canal Capital Partners III, LP, Canal Capital Partner III – A, LP, and Douglas Tansill. 3. Debtor. The “Debtor” is ​MiCorp Custom Auto & Truck, LLC. 4. Sale Date. The Public Sale is scheduled for August 23rd, 2021 at 11:00 a.m. Eastern Time and will be conducted via Zoom. The Bid Deadline (as defined below) is August 20th, 2021 at 4:00 p.m. Eastern Time. 5. Assets. The “Assets” consist of all of Debtor’s Accounts, Deposit Accounts, Documents, Electronic Chattel Paper, Equipment, Fixtures, General […]

Public Notice of UCC Sale: LLC Interests for Sale I South London Holdings, LLC & Crotonville Holdings, LLC

NOTICE OF SECURED PARTY’S PUBLIC SALE OF COLLATERAL UNDER UNIFORM COMMERCIAL CODE PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that on Thursday September 30, 2021 at 10:00 A.M. local New York time, IV – CVCF CS I Trust (“Secured Party”) will offer for sale at a public auction under Section 9-610 of the Uniform Commercial Code as enacted in the State of New York, certain personal property assets in which Secured Party has been granted a security interest by Bryan Rishforth (“Debtor”), including certain limited liability company interests, and certain rights and property related and appurtenant thereto (collectively, the “Collateral”), in South London Holdings, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company (“South London”) and in Crotonville Holdings, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company (“Crotonville” and, collectively with South London, the “Issuers,” and each an “Issuer”). Debtor has represented and warranted that the Collateral includes 100% of the limited liability company interests in each Issuer. South […]

PUBLIC NOTICE OF SALE: Hesperus Peak, Inc & Blue’Spa, Inc.

IN THE UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT NORTHERN DISTRICT OF ILLINOIS – EASTERN DIVISION In re: HESPERUS PEAK, INC., et al., Debtors. Chapter 11 Case No. 20-11616 (Jointly Administered) Honorable Janet S. Baer NOTICE OF DATE AND TIME FOR THE SUBMISSION OF OFFERS TO PURCHASE DEBTORS’ ASSETS AND BID PROCEDURES Hesperus Peak, Inc. & Blue’Spa, Inc., debtors (“Debtors”) hereby give notice pursuant to sections 1123(a)(5)(D) and 1141(c) of the Bankruptcy Code of the Debtors’ proposal to sell substantially all of their assets and of its bid procedures. The sale of the Property shall be free and clear of liens with any liens to attach to the proceeds of the sale, with the exception that the closing of a sale pursuant to a credit bid shall be subject to liens senior in priority, if any. The order confirming the Debtor’s chapter 11 plans is attached hereto as Exhibit A. 1. The deadline […]

PUBLIC NOTICE OF ARTICLE 9 SALE: Overwatch Technologies, Inc.

NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE UNDER UNIFORM COMMERCIAL CODE ARTICLE 9 OF ASSETS OF OVERWATCH TECHNOLOGIES, INC. 1. Executive Summary: Clive Barrett in his capacity as trustee under certain loan documents (the “Trustee”) will conduct, through his counsel acting as its agent, Parkins Lee & Rubio LLP (the “Agent”), on August 17, 2021, at 11:00 a.m. CDT or such later date as provided below (the “Auction Date”), a disposition of the below-described collateral by public sale (the “Auction”). To participate in the Auction, you must comply with the Participation Requirements below by August 13, 2021 (the “Qualification Deadline”). The below described collateral includes substantially all intellectual property of Overwatch Technologies, Inc. d/b/a Overwatch Digital Health. 2. Debtor: The debtor is Overwatch Technologies, Inc. d/b/a Overwatch Digital Health, a Texas corporation (the “Borrower”). 3. Secured Parties: The secured parties on behalf of whom the Trustee is conducting this public sale of the […]

PUBLIC NOTICE OF ARTICLE 9 SALE: Incipio, LLC and Related Entities

PUBLIC NOTICE OF UCC ARTICLE 9 SALE OF ASSETS OF INCIPIO, LLC AND RELATED ENTITIES NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that at 10:00 a.m. (Central Time) on July 26, 2021, Monroe Capital Management Advisors, LLC, as administrative agent for the lenders party thereto from time to time (collectively, the “Term Loan Lenders”), in such capacity and together with its successors and assigns (the “Secured Party Seller”) intends to offer to sell, or cause to be sold, at a public sale conducted under and pursuant to Section 9-610 and other applicable provisions of the Uniform Commercial Code (as enacted in all applicable jurisdictions, the “UCC”), at the offices of McDonald Hopkins LLC, 300 N. LaSalle Dr. #1400, Chicago, Illinois 60654, or via videoconference or telephonically, and in a manner to be determined by Secured Party Seller (the “Sale”), all right, title, and interest of Incipio, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company (“Incipio”), […]


PUBLIC NOTICE OF UCC SALE: JP INTERNET VENTURES, LLC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that pursuant to Section 9-610 of the Uniform Commercial Code (the “UCC”), as adopted in the State of Illinois and any other applicable jurisdictions, and any other applicable law, NuMed Partners, LLC (the “Secured Party”) will offer for sale to the public (the “Auction”) all of the right, title, and interest of JP Internet Ventures, LLC, a Nevada limited liability company (the “Debtors”) in and to Products JP, LLC, a Nevada limited liability company, and in a License and Transfer Agreement dated November 17, 2017, by and between Debtor and Products JP, LLC (collectively, the “Assets”). The Assets include an exclusive license held by the Debtor to use the trademark “POT.COM” and the internet domain names “pot.com”, “pot.cc”, “pot.directory”, “pot.email”, “pot420.club”, “pot420.com”, “pot420news.com”, “420cannabiscommunity.com”, and “420communitypot.com”, and all associated internet domain name services and capabilities, including email […]

PUBLIC NOTICE OF AUCTION: Antenna International (US), LLC

AUCTION OF ASSETS OF ANTENNA INTERNATIONAL (US), LLC 1. Offer Deadline. July 14, 2021 at 5:00 pm Pacific Time. 2. NDA Deadline. July 6, 2021 3. Background. Provider of audio and multimedia guide services. The company specializes in the production and delivery of educational content such as audio tours, mobile apps, multimedia guides, podcasts, interactives and superior story-driven content including augmented reality and image recognition for the museum, art galleries, industrial factories, cultural and travel sectors. Antenna is the subject of an assignment for the benefit of creditors. 4. Process Overview. The prospective Assignee will provide a form asset purchase agreement (“APA”) to interested parties who have executed a non-disclosure Agreement (“NDA”) by the NDA Deadline. Letters of Intent in the form of a redline to the APA (containing the additional information as may be required by the prospective Assignee) must be received no later than the Bid Deadline. The winning […]

PUBLIC NOTICE OF SALE: Bouchard Transportation Co.

IN THE UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT FOR THE SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF TEXAS HOUSTON DIVISION In re: BOUCHARD TRANSPORTATION CO., INC., et al.,1 Debtors. Chapter 11 Case No. 20-34682 (DRJ) (Jointly Administered) Notice of Auction for the Sale of the Debtors’ Assets FREE AND CLEAR OF ANY AND ALL CLAIMS, INTERESTS, AND ENCUMBRANCES PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the above-captioned debtors and debtors in possession (collectively, the “Debtors”) are soliciting offers for a transaction or transactions, any of which may include the purchase of some or all of the Debtors’ Assets and assumption of certain liabilities of the Debtors, consistent with the bidding procedures (the “Bidding Procedures”)2 approved by the United States Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of Texas (the “Court”) by entry of an order on June 8, 2021 [Docket No. 956] (the “Bidding Procedures Order”). All interested bidders should carefully read the Bidding Procedures and Bidding Procedures Order. To the extent that there […]

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