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Operating a Distressed Business

Special committees made up of independent directors can guide a company through the bankruptcy process without accusations of bias.

When is a business turnaround no longer viable? Ask these questions to determine if you or your client’s business can be saved.

The statutes that dictate how to start and manage a receivership may differ depending on the state. One thing is for sure: Washington state a’int Minnesota.

QUESTION: Scott T,  emailed, asking, “I have a client who owns a few income-producing properties, and she thinks she may not be able to make her next mortgage payments to her lender. What should I tell her to expect?” ANSWER: Once a default on a commercial loan is looming or occurs, a proactive mortgage lender should be expected to review several factors surrounding property management. If a third-party manager is involved, the lender will want to determine whether any lien rights arise in favor of this property manager, including in […]

Considerations for Companies in a Cash Crisis A liquidity crisis is a severe financial situation in which a company does not have enough cash or cash-convertible assets, which can lead to defaults and bankruptcy. Managing cash is critical when working to preserve or maintain solvency in order to maximize opportunities for a successful turnaround or corporate restructuring. Near-Death Liquidity Is Like a Melting Ice Cube Insufficient liquidity shrinks the range of options for a financially distressed business. The metaphor of a melting ice cube is often used to illustrate this […]

How Liquidity Becomes the Kryptonite of a Distressed Company’s Capital Structure A company’s “capital structure” is the array of its liabilities and equity. It is often described by the debt to equity ratio, which is the amount of total debt divided by total equity. Capital structure commonly consists of three main components: working capital (also known as operating debt), financing debt, and equity. Working capital, or operating debt, includes accounts payable, accrued expenses, and other current liabilities usually due within one year. Financing debt includes senior bank financing, leases, and […]

How Unique Issues in Healthcare Restructuring Set It Apart from Corporate Restructuring   Over the past decade, arguably no industry experienced such dramatic regulatory change or consistent legislative uncertainty as healthcare. Today, continued efforts to repeal, defund, replace, or amend the Affordable Care Act—coupled with rising pharmaceutical costs, increased competition, massive capital investment expenses, etc.—virtually assure a challenging economic environment for healthcare companies for years to come.      However, given the stakes involved—and the unfortunate fact that healthcare restructuring provides little time for “on the job training”—practitioners must enter such engagements […]
