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Business Bankruptcy

In this installment we introduce you to the UCC generally, focusing on Article 9 to illustrate its importance in the context of business distress.

When a commercial real estate tenant files a chapter 11 bankruptcy case, the landlord faces unfamiliar issues. Although each case is unique, this article provides a basic overview of the issues commercial landlords could run into.

These 3 preference action defenses options involve a detailed analysis of historical business interactions and utilization of records to support your transactions.

A Series on the ABCs of ABCs, when it comes to claims there’s a plethora of them. From secured to unsecured, to bankruptcy and trade. Read all the basics in this installment of Dealing with Corporate Distress. This Installment covers how to protect you claim in a bankruptcy case.

On July 20, 2015, the Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Company, made history by filing what we in the restructuring industry like to call “Chapter 22 Bankruptcy.” Read more to see how this case unfolded and what it means for struggling grocers and retail stores.

What are the legal remedies available under Article 9 of the UCC to a lender whose loan is secured by the personal property of a borrower who is in default? How can these legal remedies can be implemented in practice?

The Sixth Circuit would quote Ohio case law to explain that “A contract of novation is created where a previous valid obligation is extinguished by a new valid contract, with the consent of all the parties, and based on valid consideration.” In a sense, a novation establishes that the prior contract is fully performed by the novated contract.

A Primer on the Bankruptcy Claims Marketplace Upon the filing of a bankruptcy petition by a debtor in a U.S. chapter 11 proceeding, any attempts to collect debt by a creditor are halted. As a result, creditors face the daunting prospects of either waiting out the debtor’s bankruptcy case—not knowing when, how much, or even if they will ultimately recover on their claims—or engaging in what could be a drawn out and expensive dispute with the debtors to protect their right and enforce their claims. Believe It…or Not…There is an […]

A Series on the ABCs of ABCs, when it comes to claims there’s a plethora of them. From secured, to unsecured, to bankruptcy, and trade. Read all the basics in this installment of Dealing with Corporate Distress. This Installment expands on the complexity of claims and claim priority in bankruptcy.

A curious mystery unraveled. Learn about the significant aspects of an Assignment for the Benefit of creditors, and why knowing the Assignee is important.

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