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Business Bankruptcy

A Practical Guide to Assessing Legal Risk and Potentially Fraudulent Transfers    “One man’s rubbish is another man’s treasure.” -William & Robert Chambers Journal of popular literature, science and arts (1879)  “A little learning is a dangerous thing” -Alexander Pope, An Essay on Criticism (1709)    Buying operating assets from a financially distressed seller can present a fantastic opportunity to buy low. Before doing so, however, any buyer must take into account a host of considerations. These include, but aren’t limited to, operational, competitive, integration and legal issues, such as […]

When a debtor files for Chapter 11 or Chapter 7 bankruptcy, often a creditor’s only remedy is to wait for a sale or reorganization, the claims resolution process and other actions to be taken before the debtor or trustee can make distribution on the claim.

If you are an investor in distressed assets, you know that uncovering great deals takes a lot of work. There are times you’ve probably wished there was a way to find all the deals in one place. Well wish no more, DailyDAC has your back. DailyDAC’s Opportunistic Deal Database (“ODD”) collects information about opportunities to purchase assets of financially distressed businesses, excess and obsolete assets, assets being sold in bankruptcy, receivership, and assignments, through Article 9 and other statutes, and assets otherwise being sold on an urgent “fire sale” basis. […]

Download a Printable PDF of this Article Some Financial Help for the Little Guy: President Trump Does Something Uncontroversial for a Change and Signs Four New Bankruptcy Bills into Law1 President Trump signed four bipartisan bankruptcy bills into law this past Friday, effecting the most significant changes to the Bankruptcy Code since 2005. The four bills, except the SBRA (defined below) became effective as soon as President Trump’s tiny hand signed them into law. The SBRA will become effective 180 days later. The new laws are: The Family Farmer Relief […]

Is It Commercially Reasonable Notice, If No One Is Reading? You represent a secured lender. You are to assist your client in its exercise of rights under UCC §9-610 to sell its collateral after it has foreclosed upon the collateral. Or maybe you represent a chapter 11 debtor and are selling its assets under Bankruptcy Code §363. Or perhaps you are a federal equity receiver selling under 28 U.S.C §2001 et seq. Or you are an assignee for the benefit of creditors or state court receiver who is selling a […]

Tempnology Resolves the Treatment of Trademark Licenses Under Bankruptcy Law and More On May 20, 2019, the United States Supreme Court resolved what, according to the International Trademark Association, had been “the most significant unresolved legal issue in trademark licensing.” In an opinion delivered by Justice Kagen[1], the Court held 8-1 that under Section 365 of the Bankruptcy Code, a debtor’s rejection of a trademark license does not revoke the license and the licensee can continue to exploit the licensed trademark. In this case, the Debtor, Tempnology, had licensed its […]

Under Section 363(f) Free and Clear Means Free and Clear: A Case Study Bankruptcy sales of assets under section 363(f) can bring more cash into the estate in part because the purchaser takes the assets “free and clear” of the liabilities of the debtor-seller. The Ormet[i] case illustrates that the “free and clear” quality of assets in the hands of the purchaser after a section 363 sale, trump claims against the seller that are supported by very strong Congressional policies. Using union labor in Ohio, the Ormet Corporation and related […]

The 2019 edition of Strategic Alternatives For And Against Distressed Businesses was just released by West Publishing Company. This 1,800+ page treatise, which is a product of more than 100 contributors, is the only resource which provides a state-by-state comparison on a chapter-by-chapter basis of assignments for the benefit of creditors and receiverships. DailyDAC / Financial Poise founder, Jonathan Friedland, a corporate structuring and restructuring attorney, is editor-in-chief.

Bankruptcy Valuation Valuation—the estimation of an entity’s worth—plays a crucial role in all stages of a commercial bankruptcy, as well in any out-of-court restructuring.¹ Valuation can be critical at the beginning of a bankruptcy case in determining whether the debtor can use cash collateral or obtain debtor-in-possession financing. At the confirmation stage, valuation plays a critical role in determining whether a chapter 11 plan can be confirmed and, if so, how much each class of creditors will receive on its claim. Even after confirmation, valuation is an essential issue in […]

“The time to buy is when there’s blood in the streets.” – Baron Rothschild Don’t Panic, There Are Many Opportunities in Bankruptcy When a client or a competitor files for bankruptcy, it is natural to reflect on the downside. What’s going to happen to my outstanding receivable? Is the market primed for a downturn? How am I going to replace any lost business? These concerns are very real and require meaningful thought and discussion. However, solely focusing attention on the downside can prove short-sighted. There are incredible opportunities in bankruptcy […]
