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90 Second Lessons

When is a business turnaround no longer viable? Ask these questions to determine if you or your client’s business can be saved.

Why would a secured creditor prefer to sell its collateral outside of bankruptcy? Here’s how time, money, and control differ in a 363 sale vs Article 9 sale.

Understand the ways in which distressed real estate is different from when an operating business in distress.

Understand what the “in pari delicto” defense is and how it can be used in a bankruptcy proceeding to protect yourself.

Ordinary asset purchase? Article 9 sale? Bankruptcy acquisition? When buying a distressed business, the type of purchase should be top of mind.

Although commonly used interchangeably, recharacterization and equitable subordination have different purposes and effects on order of priority of claims.

What is a composition agreement? It’s a bankruptcy alternative that can alter payments to creditors that want to keep the debtor in business. Learn more in this 90 second lesson.

There may be many business reasons and benefits for a debtor who chooses to liquidate under Chapter 11 rather than Chapter 7.

What is a state law receivership? Understand the difference between state law receiverships and federal bankruptcy law, and what opportunities can come from receiverships.

Explore whether a debtor can file chapter 11 reorganization bankruptcy to evade a court-ordered receivership.
