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About Bankruptcydata.com


Bankruptcydata.com’s process begins with a distressed company analysis. Bankruptcydata.com analysts use proprietary technology and methods to discover companies that exhibit signs of stress.

When a company does file for bankruptcy, Bankruptcydata.com kicks into gear. The company compiles a database of case information for all companies that file for bankruptcy in the 94 U.S. Bankruptcy Courts in near real time.

Bankruptcydata.com also tracks and reports on public companies currently operating under Chapter 11 protection, in addition to all companies with 50MM in assets or liabilities. This process allows the company to continue collecting information about the public companies’ bankruptcies, including: plans of reorganization and disclosure statements, debtor-in-possession financing information, professional retention data, 363 sales motions, key employee incentive plans, monthly operating reports, claim transfer activity, securities and security pricing data, committee information, and much more.

Their platform allows subscribers to flesh out extensive details pertaining to individual bankruptcies, identify a group of companies that meet specific criteria, or stay on top of the industry as a whole.

BankruptcyData has revolutionized the way in which professionals interested in the bankruptcy sector consume, share, manage, and leverage vital data, research, and analysis. They provide a competitive advantage to those interested in making more informed decisions regarding the bankruptcy and distressed sectors.

Articles by Bankruptcydata.com

August 25, 2020 – In an unusual twist to an unusual asset sale process, the Court hearing the Northwest Company cases approved the $31.46mn sale of the Debtors’ assets to Ashford Textiles, LLC and Ashford Partners, LLC (together, “Ashford” or “Purchaser”) [Docket No. 301]. The asset purchase agreement (the “APA”) governing terms of the sale is attached to the order as Exhibit 1. On August 7th, the Debtors named Ashford as the back-up bidder, with Cathay Home, Inc. (“Cathay”) named as the successful bidder, notwithstanding that the Cathay bid was […]
