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About Alexander Porter

Alexander Porter

Alexander Porter is a seasoned attorney providing counsel to clients within the firm's Financial Services practice group. Alex has extensive experience representing secured lenders and financial institutions on matters of breach of contract, commercial foreclosures, bankruptcy, fraudulent transfer, and post-judgment proceedings in both state and federal court. With knowledge and experience in drafting initial pleadings, client affidavits, dispositive motions, and post-trial motions, as well as exchanging written discovery on behalf of companies and secured lenders of all sizes, Alex will stop at nothing to help clients achieve their desired outcomes. His experience includes representing clients at both the trial and appellate levels. Alex is also a certified White Belt in Legal Lean Sigma.

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Articles by Alexander Porter

Another State Eases Access to Banking Services Pending a Federal Solution On July 6, 2023, Missouri Governor Michael L. Parson signed into law Senate Bill 187 (S.B. 187), also known as the Commercial Financing Disclosure Act. This legislation continues the trend at the state level to ease access to capital for cannabis-related businesses. S.B. 187, and legislation like it, come to the benefit of court-appointed cannabis receivers as well, given their efforts to streamline financing within the industry. This all comes as particularly welcome news, given the rise in cannabis […]
